12/6: Community Conversation On Fox Valley Youth

by Kids Forward | November 14, 2024

Home 9 Org Updates 9 12/6: Community Conversation On Fox Valley Youth

Open To All Community Leaders

Friday, December 6, 1-3pm
Fox Valley Community Foundation
4455 W Lawrence St, Appleton, WI 54914

Calling all educators, social workers, counselors, and other youth-serving advocates.

Join us for a fun and interactive community conversation where likeminded individuals can come together to discuss, share and problem solve all the ways we can best support Fox Valley youth.

What is the Opportunity Youth Initiative (OYI)?

Started in the Fox Valley, OYI works at the state and local level to improve policies that strengthen opportunities for young people. Advocacy Coaches, with lived expertise as Opportunity Youth, are equipping other young people with the skills to build their confidence to become advocates for themselves, their families, and their communities. 

OYI provides a unique, intentional approach to empowering youth through the inclusion of their voices, experiences, and concerns within systems change and policy advocacy efforts. We provide capacity building opportunities for youth-based and -serving organizations in Wisconsin through listening sessions, policy advocacy education, and action.


Event Facilitators

Kala Lones

Opportunity Youth Initiative Advocacy Coach


Faith Roska

Opportunity Youth Initiative Advocacy Coach


Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


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Our Response to Governor Evers’ Budget Proposal

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Testimony: Extend Postpartum Coverage for up to 1 Year

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