2014 Federal Poverty Levels

by Kids Forward | February 3, 2014

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2014 Federal Poverty Levels

(Relevant for the Affordable Care Act & BadgerCare Eligibility in WI)

Significance of poverty levels for health care eligibility in Wisconsin:

100% = The new maximum income limit for parents and childless adults to be eligible for BadgerCare (after 3/31/14), and the minimum income limit to be eligible for financial assistance in the Marketplace.

133% = The income level that all states had the option of expanding Medicaid to with significantly enhanced federal Medicaid funding. (Wisconsin did not choose to expand Medicaid to this limit.) It’s also the threshold for charging premiums to parents on Transitional Medical Assistance without a 6-month reprieve (as is granted to parents between 100-133% FPL).

201% = The income threshold for charging premiums for children enrolled in BadgerCare.

250% = The maximum income to be eligible for federal cost-sharing assistance (that helps pay for co-pays and deductibles) for insurance plans obtained through the Marketplace.

306% = The maximum income limit for children and pregnant women to be eligible for BadgerCare.

400% = The maximum income to be eligible for federal premium assistance for insurance plans obtained through the Marketplace.  (People at all income levels are eligible to purchase insurance through Marketplace without financial assistance).

Note:  These new poverty level figures began applying to BadgerCare and Medicaid on February 1, 2014, but won’t apply to the Marketplace until later in the year.     

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