Nearly every public school elementary district in Wisconsin is now offering 4-year-old Kindergarten (4K) to all four-year-olds, according to preliminary data from the Department of Public Instruction. Nearly 50,000 children were enrolled in 4K in the 2013-14 school year. With five additional districts offering 4K in 2014-15, it is likely that more than 50,000 children will be in 4K. Only 22 of the 413 districts are not offering 4K.
The number of children in 4K has more than tripled since the 2002-03 school year, when 16,051 children attended 4K. In the 2013-14 school year, 49,839 children attended 4K, about 70% of Wisconsin’s four year olds.
Slightly more than half of four year olds attending 4K programs are in districts using the community approach model, collaborating with child care, Head Start, and other community-based early childhood programs.
Dave Edie
Fact Sheet: Every Healthy Baby Starts with Healthy Parents
The below fact sheet was developed by Kids Forward with the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Download as PDF Providing postpartum Medicaid coverage for 12 months will help ensure both parents and babies in Wisconsin thrive together....