A Blueprint for Academic Success for Wisconsin Students

by Kids Forward | September 4, 2012

Home 9 Early Care and Education 9 A Blueprint for Academic Success for Wisconsin Students ( Page 9 )

Superintendent Tony Evers recently released the Agenda 2017, incorporating four key elements for school reform and success:

  1. Developing common standards and creating 21st century pathways to learning;
  2. Improving assessment systems and data feedback that can impact instruction in “real time;”
  3. Creating ways to assess and enhance teacher effectiveness; and 
  4. Updating the school finance system to more fairly and transparently target limited resources in order to achieve the best outcomes – ideas outlined in Fair Funding for our Future.

Building on our success, Wisconsin’s future is certainly dependent on the quality of our educational system. A recent report, 2011 Wisconsin Sustainable Business Report, shows that the quality of our educational system is one of the key elements of a strong and sustainable economy. This framework put forth by Supt. Evers represents a common-sense and research-based approach to improving outcomes for our children that deserves beyond-partisan discussion and action.

By Jim Moeser

Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


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