OJJDP has just published a good resource document, Causes and Correlates of Girls’ Delinquency, which provides an overview of, and brings the reader up to date on, the research unique to girls’ involvement in delinquent behavior. The research is categorized in eight groups, including Biological and Individaul Factors, Family Influences, the Impact of Peers, and Neighborhood Effects. If you’ve been able to keep up with all the literature on this issue, you may not find anything new – but you will find it in one place with references for further study.
Dia de los Niños (Children’s Day) Comes Back to Madison
Download as PDF Media Advisory Thursday, April 25, 2024 Contact: Emily Miota, 262-853-6863, emiota@kidsforward.org Families across the Madison area are invited to celebrate Dia de los Niños (Children’s Day), a cherished and traditional celebration that embraces the...