A Proposed Tax Increase for Low-Income Families

by Kids Forward | May 27, 2011

Home 9 Tax and Budget 9 A Proposed Tax Increase for Low-Income Families

On Tuesday, May 31st, the Joint Finance Committee is scheduled to vote on the $41 million cut proposed by the Governor to the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). WCCF has submitted a memo to the Joint Finance Committee with recommendations for the credit.

The Wisconsin Budget Project has a blog post elaborating on why the EITC is important, and why any changes made to the credit should be temporary. Here’s a snipped of the post.

Gutting the state’s EITC doesn’t help low-income workers struggling with the aftereffects of the recession, and it doesn’t help Wisconsin to get back on the road to economic recovery. But if policymakers are determined to increase the taxes paid by low-income workers, they should make sure the changes expire at the end of 2012.

To learn more, go to the Wisconsin Budget Project blog post.

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