Additional $11 million to help Wisconsin build an effective early learning and development system

by | January 16, 2014

Home 9 Early Care and Education 9 Additional $11 million to help Wisconsin build an effective early learning and development system ( Page 27 )

The federal government has just approved the use of a supplemental $11 million to improve early learning and development in Wisconsin, on top of the initial grant of $22.7 million in 2012. The Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge grant is intended to help states build more efficient and effective early learning systems, with an emphasis on the needs of the most vulnerable children. Here are some highlights of how the additional $11 million in funding will be used.

Public-Private Partnership: $500,000
$500,000 has been added to the $300,000 from the original grant to help local early childhood coalitions develop and improve.  The Department of Children and Families (DCF) is focusing on generating private investment at the local level by means of strengthening the fundraising and engagement capacity of local coalitions.

Increase High Needs Children’s Participation in YoungStar: $580,000
The additional funds allow the state to improve training for formal raters and obtaining software to enhance the efficiency and reliability of environmental ratings under YoungStar.

Increase Quality of YoungStar via Scholarships, Training & Bonuses: $4.6 million
The majority of this allocation is targeted to provide credit-based instruction to move child care providers from 2-star to 3-star level in YoungStar’s 5-star rating system. This project will increase on-site mentoring and coaching for YoungStar participants, reduce the costs of Registry application and renewal fees, and provide assistance to child care programs working to achieve accreditation. In addition, the new funding will support an early childhood system health and wellness consultant at the Department of Health Services.

Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS): $580,000
This project will support expanded training on Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards. Social and emotional development is a particular focus with significant funds earmarked for Pyramid training supporting social emotional competence in infants and young children. Completion of training in these areas is also linked to points in the YoungStar rating system.

Professional Development: $870,000
Professional development efforts increase support for professional development coaches and improvements in kindergarten early assessments.

Early Childhood Longitudinal Data System Development: $3.2 million
The funding augments the longitudinal data system project with software, equipment, personnel, and contractual services.

Family Engagement: estimate $780,000
Final details are still being worked out, but family engagement efforts are expected to include additional staff time, more support for development of family engagement standards, and work with targeted focus groups.


The additional funding is allowing Wisconsin to make further progress in building a state early childhood system. The funding is supporting key components of a coherent system for early learning and development, all of which have been promoted by the Governor’s Early Childhood Advisory Council: quality standards (YoungStar), screening and assessment, family engagement, public-private partnerships, professional development, and a longitudinal data system to help measure results over time.  Wisconsin’s successful competitive proposal has brought $33.7 million in federal funds to our state to expand on the solid foundation that was built over the last 20 years.

Dave Edie

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