For Wisconsin’s economy to work for everyone, our state needs to invest in healthy and well-educated workers and communities, public infrastructure, and working families. Our state must also invest in its communities of color and help eradicate systemic barriers to shared prosperity. Our economy, our communities, our schools, and our...
Creating a More Equitable Tax Code
For Wisconsin’s economy to work for everyone, we need a tax system that provides enough resources to fund investments in healthy communities and public infrastructure, while providing a level playing field for Wisconsin families and businesses. Currently, Wisconsin’s tax system is a major driver of economic inequality and contributes to...
Gov. Evers’ State of the State Address Put Kids and Families First
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 24, 2019 CONTACT: Ken Taylor, CEO/Executive Director, Kids Forward, 608-284-0580 x 302 Kids Forward applauds Governor Tony Evers for proposing a budget that puts kids and families first and that seeks to address the challenges kids and families of color face. He offered bipartisan...
Gov. Evers’ State of the State Put Kids and Families First
Kids Forward applauds Governor Tony Evers for proposing a budget that puts kids and families first and that seeks to address the challenges kids and families of color face. He offered bipartisan proposals to restore two thirds funding for K-12 education, increase mental health services in schools, reform the criminal and juvenile justice systems, give working and middle class families a tax cut, and increase access to quality, affordable health care by expanding Badger Care.
Our Concerns with Assembly Bill 1
The following testimony was presented before the Assembly Committee on Health by Kids Forward Research Director Jon Peacock on January 15, 2019. On behalf of Kids Forward, I want to thank you for holding a hearing on the important topic of providing health insurance for people with pre-existing medical conditions. I also want to thank...
The Threat to Native American Children and Families You Need to Know About
Native Americans have lived in North America since time immemorial and have a special relationship with the United States government. The 562 federally recognized tribal nations that exist in the United States are recognized as sovereign nations, meaning they have sovereignty over their lands, resources, and citizens. In light of all of...
Erasing Native People Is Just Another Form of Racism—On Thanksgiving or Any Other Day
Regardless of how you choose to spend Thanksgiving, remember that you are doing so on Native land. And while Native families spend the day celebrating our culture and our resilience, I challenge you to spend some time educating yourself, educating your children, discussing the injustices that Native people face, and committing yourself to being an advocate for Native people.
Native American Heritage Month: Learn About Wisconsin’s Native Nations
While Native American Heritage Month is a time to celebrate Native people and communities, we must honor the traditions of tribal communities every day of the year. Non-native Wisconsinites should take time this month to learn more about Native communities in the state and how we can all work together to promote the well-being of Native people and communities.
Kids Forward Opposes Proposed Rule to Override the Flores Settlement Agreement
November 5, 2018 Ms. Debbie Seguin, Assistant Director, Office of Policy, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement US Department of Homeland Security 500 12th Street SW Washington DC, 20536 DHS Docket No. ICEB-2018-0002 Dear Ms Seguin: Kids Forward is submitting comments to the US Departments of Homeland Security and Heath and Human...
Wisconsin Lawmakers Should Allow All Immigrants to Obtain Driver Licenses
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 13, 2018 CONTACT: Wenona Wolf, Communication and Development Manager, 608-284-0580 x 304 A new report from Kids Forward finds that Wisconsin will be safer for everyone if Wisconsin lawmakers expand access to driver licenses to undocumented immigrants. Allowing all immigrants to have...
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