Wisconsin Kids Won’t Count If We Don’t Count Kids

Written by Wenona Wolf, Communication and Development Manager All people—including children—have the right to be counted and be represented in our democracy, but with no real political or economic power, young children rely on adults to protect and advocate for them. Unfortunately, without intervention, the 2020 U.S. Census will likely...

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Healthier Food, Better Learning, and Stronger Farms

Two years ago, we announced the creation of new program at Kids Forward: the Farm to Early Care and Education project. With funding from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation and through partnerships with FairShare CSA Coalition, the Wisconsin Early Childhood Association, and other groups, we embarked on the mission to bring the farm to table movement to child care programs across the state.

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ACA Opponents Attack and Embrace the Marketplace and Consumer Protections

Many portions of the Affordable Care Act are very popular, and the law has survived multiple repeal efforts by Congress and President Trump. Despite this, the ACA is still very vulnerable to sabotage. The Trump administration has actively engaged in that sabotage, as have many other Republicans at the state and federal level. However,...

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