Fact Sheet: Every Healthy Baby Starts with Healthy Parents

The below fact sheet was developed by Kids Forward with the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.  Download as PDF Providing postpartum Medicaid coverage for 12 months will help ensure both parents and babies in Wisconsin thrive together. Medicaid in Wisconsin helps cover services including: • Doctor and clinic...

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Our Response to Governor Evers’ Budget Proposal

Last night, Governor Evers shared a budget that starts to address some of the challenges confronting families across the state. During the “Year of the Kid,” we look forward to working on both sides of the aisle to ensure that the state budget includes every kid in Wisconsin. We applaud the Governor for acknowledging the risk of...

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Testimony: Extend Postpartum Coverage for up to 1 Year

Main Takeaways Kids Forward submitted the below testimony for Senate Bill 23, which would extend postpartum coverage through BadgerCare for up to one year after pregnancy. We strongly supports this bill because it will increase access to postpartum and other critical health care; respond to the maternal health crisis and begin to...

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12 Days Left: Why we vote

In 12 days, your neighbors and community are counting on you to vote. There is so much at stake in this election.  Why are we voting on November 5th? 👇🏾 https://www.instagram.com/reel/DBgsweYPeky/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Be prepared to vote. How will you prepare this week to vote? Mark your calendars and make your plan. The...

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