The following is a statement by Ken Taylor, executive director of Kids Forward, on the Governor’s Healthy Women, Healthy Babies” initiative: Today, Governor Evers announced that his state budget will include investments in programs that support women’s health and address infant mortality. Notably, Governor Evers announced his initiative...
Kids Forward Supports Governor’s Plan to Improve Oral Health in Wisconsin
Kids Forward applauds Governor Evers’ multifaceted approach toward addressing issues of oral health for Wisconsin. The package, which is part of the Governor’s 2019-2021 biennial budget, includes just over $43 million invested in the following areas: Increases dental Medicaid reimbursement rates for non-profit providers by 50 percent if...
New Poverty Guidelines Shed Light on Health Care Debates
The new federal poverty guidelines, which were recently adjusted for inflation, are worth examining because they help illustrate the challenges faced by low-income working families. They show, for example, that single parents with one child are currently ineligible for BadgerCare if they have a full-time job that pays more than $8.13...
State Legislature Cannot Protect Those with Pre-Existing Conditions like the ACA Can
If state legislators want to protect people with pre-existing conditions, they should work to defend and strengthen the Affordable Care Act and help expand access to affordable, comprehensive health insurance. Since being signed into law, state and federal opponents have tried without success to repeal and replace the Affordable Care...
Lame Duck Legislature is Changing the Rules and Throwing Wisconsin Voters Under the Bus
With extremely limited hours for debate and public testimony and no time for analysis, the Legislature voted along party lines to adopt almost all of these drastic changes. They are now on their way to outgoing Governor Walker who has signaled his support for the legislation.
Wisconsin Kids Are No Longer Seeing Gains in Health Coverage
A decade of steady progress in reducing the number of uninsured children came to a halt in 2017 and reversed course. The number of uninsured children nationwide increased by about 276,000 last year, according to a new report released by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families.
Open Enrollment for the Affordable Care Act Starts Today: Get the Facts
Today, Thursday, November 1 is the first day that people can sign up for health insurance for 2019 under the Affordable Care Act. Open enrollment will close after December 15, 2018. There has been a lot of noise about health care this year, and most of it is confusing. Here are the facts: Health insurance is available for 2019. About 8...
Expanding BadgerCare is a Win-Win for Wisconsin
Too many Wisconsinites do not have access to quality, affordable health care. However, Wisconsin can significantly reduce that problem and save money at the same time by using available federal funding to make more low-income adults eligible for BadgerCare. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides funding for states to expand health...
5 Reasons Wisconsin Needs to Expand BadgerCare Now
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) brought insurance coverage to many, but too many Wisconsinites still do not have access to quality, affordable health care. Wisconsin could significantly reduce that problem and save hundreds of millions of dollars at the same time by using available federal funding to make about 80,000 low-income adults eligible for BadgerCare.
Lawsuit Poses Latest Threat to Coverage for Pre-existing Conditions
Do you or someone you know have anxiety, depression, cancer, asthma, diabetes, heart disease? These are some of the most common pre-existing conditions, which prior to 2014 insurance companies could refuse to cover. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), insurance companies can no longer deny someone coverage or charge them more...
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