Funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) expired nearly three months ago, and Congress still has not passed legislation renewing the program. CHIP supports health care for nearly 9 million kids throughout the country and more than 100,000 in Wisconsin. Despite its history of strong bipartisan support, Congressional...
Just Five Days Left to Enroll in Health Coverage for 2018
Friday December 15 is the last day that people can sign up for health insurance for 2018 under the Affordable Care Act. After the 15th there will not be another opportunity to enroll in health insurance for 2018 unless you have had a significant event in your life, such as a new job or marriage. There has been a lot of noise about...
Congress Should Set Aside Its Differences and Work Together to Protect Health Care for Kids
It has been nearly two months since Congress failed to renew funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Funding for program expired on September 30 of this year. If Congress does not act soon, it will force many states to notify parents and begin the process of shutting down their programs and kicking kids off their...
Trump Doubles Down on ACA Sabotage
The Republican controlled congress has tried and failed multiple times to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, but the Trump administration continues its sabotage efforts and attempts to undermine the health law that’s helped 20 million people get health insurance. From refusing to definitively fund subsidies that lower out of...
Senate Republicans Must Choose between a Bipartisan Path Forward or Continuing Unpopular Repeal and Replace Efforts
The Senate has only a few working days to decide what it is going to prioritize. It can focus on renewing the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and stabilizing individual health insurance markets to protect people from rising premiums --both of which are popular ideas and have broad bipartisan support. Or it can attempt another...
Trump Budget Forces States to Plan for Community Mental Health Cuts
While the debate around the fate of the Affordable Care Act has dominated the news over the past few months, other threats to health care have been brewing. In Wisconsin, advocates, providers, lawmakers, and individuals and families affected by mental health challenges know that every dollar is crucial when it comes to ensuring that the...
Closing Gaps in Native American Health
Communities of color often face greater health challenges that lead to larger health disparities between them and their white peers. This is especially true for the Native American community.
The Roadmap to Equity: A Two Generation Approach to Reducing Racial Disparities in Dane County
The Roadmap to Equity: A Two Generation Approach to Reducing Racial Disparities in Dane County is a response to the data on the county’s severe racial disparities first identified in the Race to Equity Baseline Report released in October of 2013. The Roadmap is organized around the broad theme of “Supporting More Parents to Succeed in...
WCCF’s Race for Results: WI’s Need to Reduce Racial Disparities
As the United States continues to become a more diverse nation, much work remains to be done to ensure that all children, regardless of their race or ethnicity, have the opportunity to thrive. A policy report recently published by the Annie E. Casey Foundation found that children of color face immense barriers to success in key...
FAQ Sheet: Using and Interpreting ACS Multi-year Estimates
The American Community Survey (The ACS) is a survey conducted by the Census Bureau. It is a nationwide, continuous survey and is designed to provide communities, annually, with demographic, housing, social and economic data. This FAQ Sheet seeks to simplify and clarify the ACS Multi-year estimates.
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