Legislature Guts Governor’s Budget on Party-Line Vote

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 7, 2021CONTACT: Michele Mackey, CEO/EDmmackey@kidsforward.org, 608.284.0580 Download as pdf The following is a statement from Kids Forward CEO Michele Mackey regarding the votes that stripped all items from the proposed budget.  Deep and persistent racial disparities have been holding Wisconsin and all...

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Real Change Requires Altering the System and Structure of Policing

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 21, 2021CONTACT: Michele Mackey, CEO/ED mmackey@kidsforward.org, 608.284.0580 Download as pdf The following is a statement from the team at  Kids Forward Yesterday, like so many across the country, we collectively at Kids Forward experienced a deep visceral and momentary sigh of relief at the verdict that...

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Governor’s Proposed Budget for Health Care

Governor Evers has proposed an ambitious budget for health care that increases access to care and coverage by expanding BadgerCare, increases funding for hospitals and other providers, invests in maternal and infant health and health equity, and provides more support for public health. It also increases access to dental services, makes...

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Governor’s Proposed Budget for Health Care

Download as PDF Governor Evers has proposed an ambitious budget for health care that increases access to care and coverage by expanding BadgerCare, increases funding for hospitals and other providers, invests in maternal and infant health and health equity, and provides more support for public health. It also increases access to dental...

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Recent Poverty Guidelines Shed Light on Health Policy Debates

The new federal poverty guidelines, which are adjusted for inflation each January, provide an opportunity to reflect on the challenges faced by low-income families, and they help illustrate why state and federal policymakers ought to help more Americans gain access to health care.   These guidelines largely control who is eligible for...

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Moving Wisconsin Forward: Balance, Healing, and Sowing for Our Shared Future

“We need real investment in our communities, in our safety and our ability to access jobs and our ability to access good quality education and housing and not to be discriminated against in every aspect of society.” - Opal Tometi, Black Lives Matter Co-Founder The key question facing all who are committed to systemic change rooted in...

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Kids Forward Stands with Wisconsinites as They Exercise Their Right to Vote

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 2, 2020 CONTACT:       Ken Taylor, Executive Director ktaylor@kidsforward.org, (608) 206-5237 Download as pdf MADISON, WI - Kids Forward stands with every Wisconsinite as they exercise their right to vote. The election must be conducted free from interference or intimidation so everyone who wants to vote...

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Supreme Court Ruling Against the ACA Could Have Sweeping Effects in Wisconsin

Download as PDF FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 27, 2020 CONTACT: William Parke-Sutherland, Health Policy Engagement Coordinatorwparkesutherland@kidsforward.org, 608-720-9405 MADISON, WI – A new report shows how the Affordable Care Act has performed under an unsupportive administration and what’s at risk from efforts to strike down the...

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