For over six months of 2020, we have all experienced the many ways in which life has shifted. Twin pandemics, COVID-19 and the social uprising, have shocked the nation and the world. While trying to find a semblance of normalcy and buckle down for the Fall, we cannot look away from the large problems that face us – systemic racism and...
“Lift as We Climb” into 2021
In 2020, both our state and our nation face unprecedented challenges, yet the words of educator and activist Mary Mcleoud Bethune articulated almost 100 years ago still resonate, “The progress of the world will call for the best that all of us have to give.” We strive to heed those words at Kids Forward, where our mission is to inspire...
Wisconsin’s Tax Code Includes Loopholes that Let the Wealthy Dodge Taxes, as Trump Did at the Federal Level
The disclosure that President Trump pays next to nothing in income taxes has highlighted the fact that the federal tax system is stuffed full of loopholes that are only available to the ultra-wealthy. But you don’t have to look to the federal system to find a tax code tilted in favor of the rich and powerful. Wisconsin’s own state and...
Divestment and Race in Kenosha
The nation’s recent protests sparked by tragic and inexcusable police shootings of unarmed Black men are consequences of centuries old racism, enforced too often by the violence and oppression of institutions such as police forces. This seemingly unrelenting violence against Black and Brown communities is inextricably tied to existing...
Some Local Governments Want to Rethink How Police Services are Delivered. This Bill Would Make that Harder.
A Wisconsin Republican Senator has proposed legislation that would prohibit cities and other local governments from saving money by reducing the amount of money they spend on police staffing. This bill would block innovation in how communities address policing, require local governments to double down on budget cuts in other areas of...
The Least They Could Do and Still They Refuse
Last Thursday we asked you to contact your elected representatives and Speaker of the Assembly Robin Vos. The ask of them was simple: “Do your job to protect Wisconsinites.” In this context that meant engaging in the emergency legislative session to discuss a series of bills to address police accountability and transparency. As part of...
A Few Weeks of Supplemental Unemployment Assistance Is No Substitute for Congressional Action
Wisconsin has applied for the supplemental federal unemployment benefit recently authorized by executive actions taken by President Trump. Although the $300 per week supplemental payments will briefly provide some financial relief for thousands of Wisconsin families once the new program goes into effect, it will fall far short of the...
Tell our Lawmakers Enough is Enough: We Demand Action Now
Faced with yet another incident of police brutality leaving Jacob Blake paralyzed and his three children with unimaginable trauma and the subsequent murder of two protesters, we demand immediate change and accountability to policing in Wisconsin. We support the Governor’s call for an emergency legislative session to address...
Black Women Have to Work 8 months into 2020 to be Paid the Same as White Men in 2019
This week marked Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, which signifies how long a Black woman has to work into 2020 to bring her 2019-20 earnings to the same amount a White man made in 2019. Black Women’s Equal Pay Day is months later than National Equal Pay Day, which falls in April and is the date in 2020 when women overall matched the...
Without Bipartisan Cooperation, Wisconsin Could Be One of the Hardest Hit States during the Next Covid-19 Surge
The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a huge toll across America, and public health experts say a much larger surge in infections and deaths is likely this fall if people don’t take the threat more seriously. Considering that other developed nations have done a far better job of suppressing the disease, it should be obvious to federal and...
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