Budget Summary Updated

The Wisconsin Budget Project has updated its comparative budget summary to include actions taken by the Joint Finance Committee through last week. The summary includes information about what the Governor has proposed and what action Joint Finance has taken so far, as well as links to other relevant information. Reading this summary is...

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The Link Between Incarceration and Crime – Does it Exist?

One of the more contentious debates about the relationship between crime and incarceration has centered on what the nature of the link is between increased/decreased crime rates and increased/decreased rates of incarceration. Does locking more people up reduce crime? Is there a demonstrable or direct relationship between the two?The...

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New Analysis Reveals That Low-Income Families Stand to Take a Big Hit

In the days and weeks leading up to the introduction of his biennial budget proposal, Gov. Walker repeatedly pointed to the need for “shared sacrifice.” Once the Governor’s budget was unveiled, however, it quickly became clear that the sacrifice his budget calls for is not shared equally. A disproportionate amount of the sacrifice is...

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WI Supreme Court: Upholds Life without Parole for Young Teen

Earlier today the Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld Omer Ninham's life without parole. Ninham was only 14 (1998) when he committed the crime and was sentenced to life without parole in 2000. There have been advances in our understanding of adolescent brain development since his life sentence was imposed. For example MRI studies which show...

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The Wisconsin Values Budget: Better Choices Based on a Balanced Approach

WCCF, in collaboration with Citizen Action of WI, the Institute for Wisconsin’s Future, and the Center on Wisconsin Strategy, has unveiled the Wisconsin Values Budget, an alternative to the Walker budget proposal based on a balanced approach to the state’s fiscal challenges. The Values Budget rejects the notion that the state has “no...

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Budget Would Require Most School Districts to Reduce Property Taxes

School districts are slated to take significant cuts in state aid in the 2011-13 biennial budget. In addition, the proposed budget would require most school districts to reduce the amount of property tax revenue they raise within their districts.The Wisconsin Budget Project devoted two blog posts this week (here and here) to a new...

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Increasing kids’ access to guns; still a bad idea

New attempts to allow hidden loaded guns in Wisconsin communities will increase the exposure of children to handguns by permitting concealed weapons to be carried into many places where children play and learn, including day care centers, churches, little league games and the many private, non-profit organizations that provide direct...

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