Vote or stay healthy?

Despite efforts from Governor Evers to postpone Wisconsin’s Spring Election and Presidential Preference Primary, the election will occur as scheduled. Evers cited the scope of the outbreak and the challenge in recruiting poll workers as necessary reasons to postpone the election. However, supreme court justices stated his order was...

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Lame Duck Law Severely Limits Wisconsin’s Ability to Fight the Pandemic

While other states are moving quickly to make Medicaid a stronger tool for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, Wisconsin has been unable to do so. The Evers administration’s efforts to make needed changes to Medicaid have been stymied by the “lame duck” law, which prohibits many necessary actions the Governor and state agencies could take....

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Census Day – A Day of Action

April 1, 2020 is Census Day of Action.  This is an opportunity to show that we care about our community and our kids. The census is not just for adults, we must count all kids as well. When you fill out your census you should include all kids living in your home, including kids age 0-5 years. It is everyone’s responsibility to...

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Why People, Place, and Policy Matters Now More Than Ever!

Never before in our lifetimes and likely in the recent history of the world, have people, place and policy mattered more and dictated the future of so many. Lives to be spared or lost are entangled in the decisions we make about our collective behavior. They rely upon our respect for science, the adequacy of our health and economic...

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COVID-19 Means Greater Anxiety for Youth Who are Incarcerated

While we all adjust to Governor Evers’ Safer at Home Order, we must cope with the daily restrictions on our movement and increased anxiety about the safety of our families, friends, and colleagues. At the same time, there are hundreds of confined youth in our juvenile justice system who are grappling with the unique challenges that this...

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Census 2020 – Creating a Community Where Every Kids Can Thrive

By now, most of you will probably have heard something about the 2020 census. The census happens every 10 years and it is important that every person living in the United States be counted.  We need all hands-on deck to get an accurate count for the 2020 census.   By participating in the census, you can positively impact...

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Without the Affordable Care Act, the COVID-19 Pandemic Would Likely be Worse

As states across the country attempt to mitigate the public health crisis brought on by COVID-19, it’s clear the Affordable Care Act’s coverage gains and consumer protections are crucial. Without the ACA in place 20 million more people would not have access to health insurance, millions of parents would be worrying about health coverage...

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Voting while complying with Wisconsin’s Safer at Home Orders

As Wisconsin enters a period of enforcement of the Safer at Home Order, it is critical to understand the impact this will have on our state’s primary election. As of now, the April 7 Spring Election and Presidential Preference Primary is occurring as scheduled. However, due to current public health conditions, many locations typically...

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