The subsidized health insurance Marketplace established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) continues to be important for people across our state, but especially so for those in rural areas.
Wisconsin Kids Won’t Count If We Don’t Count Kids
Written by Wenona Wolf, Communication and Development Manager All people—including children—have the right to be counted and be represented in our democracy, but with no real political or economic power, young children rely on adults to protect and advocate for them. Unfortunately, without intervention, the 2020 U.S. Census will likely...
Healthier Food, Better Learning, and Stronger Farms
Two years ago, we announced the creation of new program at Kids Forward: the Farm to Early Care and Education project. With funding from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation and through partnerships with FairShare CSA Coalition, the Wisconsin Early Childhood Association, and other groups, we embarked on the mission to bring the farm to table movement to child care programs across the state.
Separating Families: Child Abuse, Trauma, and the Lack of Basic Humanity
When I was asked yesterday how I wanted to spend my Father’s Day, I realized that as a parent I needed to spend some of that day speaking out about the child abuse being perpetrated by our nation’s leaders by separating children from their parents at our southern border.
ACA Opponents Attack and Embrace the Marketplace and Consumer Protections
Many portions of the Affordable Care Act are very popular, and the law has survived multiple repeal efforts by Congress and President Trump. Despite this, the ACA is still very vulnerable to sabotage. The Trump administration has actively engaged in that sabotage, as have many other Republicans at the state and federal level. However,...
Trump is Wrong: New Research Links Immigration with Safer Communities
Immigrants come to Wisconsin in search of economic opportunity, looking for safe communities for themselves and their families. In turn, immigrants confer a number of benefits to Wisconsin communities, including cultural and economic vibrancy, entrepreneurship, and an expanded workforce for some of the state’s most critical industries. New research from the University of Wisconsin-Madison demonstrates another benefit: undocumented immigration is associated with safer communities.
Guns Are Now Killing More Young Adults in Wisconsin than Cars
More young adults in Wisconsin have been killed with guns than with cars in recent years, a grim trend that demonstrates the degree to which state and national leaders lack the political will necessary to address gun violence in our communities.
Lives Cut Too Short: Kids Killed by Guns and Our Failure to Protect Them
PDF of this report. Written by Tamarine Cornelius with contributions from Michelle Robinson and other staff members from Kids Forward. In order for every child in Wisconsin to thrive, we must protect them from things that will harm them and cut their lives short. However, our state and our country lack the political will needed to make...
Corrections and the Justice System: 2017-2018 Legislative Summary
Wisconsin state lawmakers have wrapped up the 2017-18 legislative session after making major changes to the state’s juvenile justice system and passing other bills that affect corrections and criminal justice.
Proposed Farm Bill Will Leave Millions of Kids and Families Hungry
Congress is expected to vote sometime this month on a bill that will leave millions of children and families hungry. The Farm Bill (H.R. 2), will cause an estimated 2 million Americans to lose food stamp benefits and threaten the health and well-being of Wisconsin’s children, families, and communities. Coming on the heels of tax legislation that provides a massive windfall for wealthy individuals and large corporations, this change would take resources away from working families and make it harder for parents to put food on the table for their children.
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