The governor’s budget included a number of significant changes in early education policy and financing that would have improved the well-being of our young children, reduced racial disparities, helped parents participate in the workforce, and boosted Wisconsin’s long-term prosperity. Unfortunately, aside from adding federal money to the...
Tax Changes in Budget Bill Thwart Efforts to Advance Equity
For Wisconsin’s economy to thrive, the state needs to invest in the building blocks of shared prosperity, including high-quality early education and schools, affordable higher education, healthy workers, and strong communities. The Governor’s budget proposed making significant investments in those areas, including investments that would...
TANF at 25: Failing to Meet the Needs of WI Families
On August 22 of this year, the law creating the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program (TANF) turns 25 years old, and that’s not a cause for celebration. At the national level and here in Wisconsin, TANF is serving only a small fraction of the families who are living in poverty and are eligible for assistance. The TANF law...
Wisconsin Lawmakers Directed Far More Resources to an Income Tax Cut than Other Critical Priorities
The huge tax cut that Wisconsin lawmakers passed in the state budget far outstrips the minimal investments they made in critical priorities like education, health, and workforce development. The size of the tax cut will make it harder for schools, communities, and families with low incomes to get the resources they need to thrive....
Wisconsin Legislators Fail To Approve Budget Measures That Would Help Immigrants Thrive
The Wisconsin Legislature passed a state budget that stripped out several provisions introduced by Governor Evers that would expand opportunity for immigrant families and communities. The Governor signed the budget passed by the legislature, and it is now law. Driver Licenses for All The Legislature removed a proposed change that would...
Opportunity Wasted: Legislature Removes Nearly All Items Promoting Racial Equity from the State Budget
Introduction The events of the past year have made the deep, longstanding racial disparities in our nation much more obvious. The COVID-19 pandemic and the current recession have not only shined a light on those disparities, but have also made them much worse. On many different indicators, Wisconsin is at or very near the top in terms...
Wisconsin’s Legislators Fail to Invest in Higher Education
Wisconsin’s Legislators Fail to Invest in Higher Education During a time of unprecedented revenue growth, the Legislature approved a higher education budget that does not include any significant new resources, and does not take steps to undo the steep budget cuts of past years or expand access to higher education. The legislature...
Wisconsin’s Legislators Fail to Invest in Public Schools
The 2021-23 Budget for K-12 Education Wisconsin students across the state deserve access to an excellent public education, and Wisconsin residents should be able to enjoy the economic benefits generated by a first-class public school system. To ensure that the doors of opportunity are open to everyone, Wisconsin needs to invest in our...
Legislature’s Health Budget – Missed Opportunities for a Healthier, more Equitable Wisconsin
The legislature’s Joint Finance Committee put forward a budget that in many ways continues the status quo while providing substantial increases for personal care services and boosting funding for certain Medicaid providers, such as dentists and emergency physicians. It also increases funding for hospitals, nursing homes, and behavioral...
Unpacking Wisconsin’s Coverage Gap and how BadgerCare Expansion Can Help
Wisconsin lawmakers still refuse to expand BadgerCare. Instead they are relying on the Affordable Care Act Marketplace to cover low-income individuals and parents who would otherwise be eligible for BadgerCare if Wisconsin joined the 38 states that have expanded Medicaid (known in Wisconsin as BadgerCare). This decision leaves thousands...
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