Governor Evers is right to extend the Safer at Home Order to protect the lives of the people of Wisconsin. The total number of infections and deaths in Wisconsin is much lower than it would have been without the order, and it is premature to change tactics now without additional measures being in place to keep Wisconsinites...
Coronavirus Response
Comparing Health Care Changes Proposed by the Governor and the Legislature’s COVID-19 Response Bill
PDF Version Governor Evers has proposed temporary changes to Medicaid and broad investments for health providers, public health, and health systems to help mitigate the calamitous impact COVID-19 is having on the health and well-being of Wisconsin people and businesses. In addition to necessary changes to Medicaid, it included about...
Evers Proposes Investments in Public Assistance to Cushion the Health and Economic Crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic is creating severe economic hardship for many Wisconsinites, and especially for those who were already furthest from opportunity. It has helped reveal the stark disparities in our nation, particularly for people of color, because it has amplified the disparities and has given them potentially fatal consequences. To...
Lame Duck Law Severely Limits Wisconsin’s Ability to Fight the Pandemic
While other states are moving quickly to make Medicaid a stronger tool for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, Wisconsin has been unable to do so. The Evers administration’s efforts to make needed changes to Medicaid have been stymied by the “lame duck” law, which prohibits many necessary actions the Governor and state agencies could take....
Why People, Place, and Policy Matters Now More Than Ever!
Never before in our lifetimes and likely in the recent history of the world, have people, place and policy mattered more and dictated the future of so many. Lives to be spared or lost are entangled in the decisions we make about our collective behavior. They rely upon our respect for science, the adequacy of our health and economic...
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