Family Economic Security

Economic stability is one of the more important determinants of a child’s well-being. We believe making sure families have the supports they need to work for livable wages and climb out of poverty is one of the biggest keys to improving the lives of children.

Ensuring Protections for the Few Often Benefits the Many

Paid Sick Leave and its Importance in Stemming the Coronavirus As we think about strategies to mitigate the deadly spread of the coronavirus, we have to take a close look at the large gaps in access to sick leave and health insurance. Rarely are there such stark examples of the importance of establishing public policies that promote a...

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2020 Poverty Guidelines Shed Light on Health Policy Debates

The new federal poverty guidelines, which are adjusted for inflation each January, provide an opportunity to reflect on the challenges faced by low-income working families, and they help illustrate why state and federal policymakers ought to help more Americans gain access to health care.   These guidelines largely control who is...

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Gov. Evers’ State of the State Put Kids and Families First

Kids Forward applauds Governor Tony Evers for proposing a budget that puts kids and families first and that seeks to address the challenges kids and families of color face. He offered bipartisan proposals to restore two thirds funding for K-12 education, increase mental health services in schools, reform the criminal and juvenile justice systems, give working and middle class families a tax cut, and increase access to quality, affordable health care by expanding Badger Care.

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