Equitable Communities

Kids Forward works to build the best future possible for every kid and every family in Wisconsin—especially for children and families of color and those furthest from opportunity.

A significant part of that work is the Race to Equity Project. Race to Equity is a comprehensive approach to engaging leaders and community members in Dane County in a broader, solution-oriented dialogue aimed at reducing the profound and persistent racial disparities in health, education, child welfare, criminal justice, employment, and income that plague the nation, state, and county.

Learn more at the Race to Equity website.

Native American Girls Face Highest Incarceration Rates

A recent publication by The Pew Charitable Trusts sheds light on the underrepresented disparities facing American Indian women across the United States. American Indians and Alaskan Natives make up just 2 percent of the US population, yet these communities face disproportionate levels of poverty, violence, and school dropouts. Here are...

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Equity Starts Early According to State Education Leaders

A new report, Equity Starts Early: How Chiefs Will Build High-Quality Early Education, has just been released by state education leaders promoting the importance of high-quality early education, especially for children from low-income families. Here’s a quote from the report: “High-quality early education programs can improve outcomes,...

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All Things Being Equal – It’s Not!: Race, Class, and Incarceration

There’s plenty of evidence that race and class can affect the wellbeing of children and adults in many ways. However, it’s hard to know exactly how these connections work, especially because race and class often overlap. A recent study, described by The Washington Post, attempted to detangle the two by comparing incarceration rates by...

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