Equitable Communities

Kids Forward works to build the best future possible for every kid and every family in Wisconsin—especially for children and families of color and those furthest from opportunity.

A significant part of that work is the Race to Equity Project. Race to Equity is a comprehensive approach to engaging leaders and community members in Dane County in a broader, solution-oriented dialogue aimed at reducing the profound and persistent racial disparities in health, education, child welfare, criminal justice, employment, and income that plague the nation, state, and county.

Learn more at the Race to Equity website.

Honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by Going to the Ballot Box

As our community reflects and celebrates the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Kids Forward would like to share our ongoing and steadfast commitment and energy to advocating for every kid, every family, and every community within Wisconsin. As we consider Martin Luther King’s legacy and the distance that we have traveled...

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Wisconsin Officially Celebrates its First Indigenous People’s Day

Today is officially Indigenous Peoples Day in Wisconsin.  For the first time, a Wisconsin governor has issued an executive order declaring Indigenous Peoples Day on the second Monday in October. In addition to declaring the day, Governor Evers’ executive order commits to other important actions, including: Recognizing the immense...

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Budget Bill Fails to Include Remedies for Wisconsin’s Stark Racial Disparities

On a wide range of different indicators, Wisconsin has some of the largest racial disparities in the nation. For example, the poverty rate for Black Wisconsin children is 36% -- four times the rate for white children, which is one of the widest gaps among all states. It is time for state policymakers to ensure that all Wisconsinites can...

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