Health Care

ACA Opponents Attack and Embrace the Marketplace and Consumer Protections

Many portions of the Affordable Care Act are very popular, and the law has survived multiple repeal efforts by Congress and President Trump. Despite this, the ACA is still very vulnerable to sabotage. The Trump administration has actively engaged in that sabotage, as have many other Republicans at the state and federal level. However,...

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Proposed Farm Bill Will Leave Millions of Kids and Families Hungry

Congress is expected to vote sometime this month on a bill that will leave millions of children and families hungry. The Farm Bill (H.R. 2), will cause an estimated 2 million Americans to lose food stamp benefits and threaten the health and well-being of Wisconsin’s children, families, and communities. Coming on the heels of tax legislation that provides a massive windfall for wealthy individuals and large corporations, this change would take resources away from working families and make it harder for parents to put food on the table for their children.

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2017-2018 Legislative Summaries

Wisconsin state lawmakers wrapped up the 2017-2018 legislative session in March. During the session they passed several bills affecting K-12 education, health care, taxes, and public assistance. To learn more about specific bills, please read our legislative summaries: K-12 Education: Legislative Summary Health care: Legislative Summary...

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Health Care: 2017-2018 Legislative Summary

The Wisconsin State Legislature considered a very wide range of bills relating to health care during the 2017-2018 legislative session. This overview summarizes a small but significant portion of that legislation, specifically bills related to access to health insurance and access to health care services.

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