Health Care

Fact Sheet: Wisconsin Health Care Stability Plan

Following years of sabotage and hostility directed towards the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Governor Walker and the legislature pivoted to pass a $200 million reinsurance program, which is expected to slightly lower premiums for those relatively few people who earn too much to qualify for premium tax credits that help defray the costs of...

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Eight Years of Progress Under the Affordable Care Act: We Can’t Go Back

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) turns eight tomorrow, Friday, March 23. Despite Republicans’ ongoing efforts to repeal, replace, or sabotage the ACA, the health reform law has some impressive accomplishments. During this challenging year, public sentiment regarding the health care law has become more and more positive. In February, more...

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New Poverty Guidelines Shed Light on Health Policy Debates

The new federal poverty guidelines, which were recently adjusted for inflation, are worth examining because they help illustrate the challenges faced by low-income working families. They show, for example, that single parents with one child are currently ineligible for BadgerCare if they have a full-time job that pays more than $7.91...

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