Health Care

Why We Need the Affordable Care Act — in One Graph

Employer-sponsored Insurance Drops by 472,000 in Wisconsin since 2000-01.  Okay, there are scads of reasons why we need the reforms in the Affordable Care Act (ACA), including many reforms that are already in place and having very positive impacts.  So one graph doesn't actually do the – which is a conclusion that was reinforced when I...

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Governor Proposes Special Session to Delay Changes to BadgerCare and HIRSP

Expansion of Coverage for Childless Adults Would Also Be Delayed, along with Delay in Cutting EligibilityAt a press conference this afternoon, Governor Walker proposed to delay by three months (until April 1, 2014) the changes enacted in the budget bill to BadgerCare and the state’s Health Insurance Risk Sharing Pool (HIRSP).  WCCF is...

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Preliminary Thoughts on the New ACA Enrollment Figures

Figures released Tuesday by the federal Department of Health and Human Services confirm what everyone has been assuming for the last few weeks – that the number of people who have completed the process of signing up for insurance is far less than supporters of the Affordable Care Act had initially hoped for. Yet the figures are...

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Baldwin Calls on Governor to Delay Kicking 77,000 People out of BadgerCare

Senator Tammy Baldwin sent a letter to Governor Walker today urging him to provide a few more months for BadgerCare recipients to shift to insurance purchased through the new Health Insurance Marketplace. Wisconsin officials expect to send letters at the end of November to about 77,000 people now on BadgerCare to notify that they will...

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Article Takes Closer Look at MN vs. WI Differences in ACA Implementation

Gannett Analysis Examines Possible Reasons for Wisconsin’s Higher Rates USA Today and a number of local Gannett papers published an interesting story Sunday about differences in ACA implementation between Wisconsin and Minnesota. The lengthy article by Donovan Slack of Gannett says that the Gopher State, in contrast to Wisconsin, is...

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