
Restoring Driver Licenses to all Wisconsinites

Restoring access to driver licenses for every eligible Wisconsinite will keep families together, increase economic opportunities for working families, ensure safer roads, and boost state revenue. For decades, driver licenses had been available to immigrant drivers up until a federal law blocked them in 2007. Since that time, states have...

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Trump is Wrong: New Research Links Immigration with Safer Communities

Immigrants come to Wisconsin in search of economic opportunity, looking for safe communities for themselves and their families. In turn, immigrants confer a number of benefits to Wisconsin communities, including cultural and economic vibrancy, entrepreneurship, and an expanded workforce for some of the state’s most critical industries. New research from the University of Wisconsin-Madison demonstrates another benefit: undocumented immigration is associated with safer communities.

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The Diversity of Wisconsin’s Immigrant Experience

The diversity of Wisconsin’s immigrants means that the immigrant experience in Wisconsin is a varied one, with no single narrative able to tell the entire story of Wisconsin immigrants. It's important for us to go beyond simple rhetoric and understand the real diversity and rich history of Wisconsin's immigrant experience. If there is a...

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