WCCF advocates based on what the evidence shows is best for children and families. Taken together, the following policy priorities point towards a future that fulfills the promise of our state motto, “Forward,”
Youth Justice
Reducing Children’s Exposure to Violence – No Time Like the Present
In light of the tragic Sandy Hook shootings, there clearly are not words that adequately express the depth of the tragedy. Our support and thoughts are with the families who are suffering, not only from this incident, but countless others on a daily basis – for each day there are as many more children killed in violent acts and many...
States Slow to Capture Spirit of Supreme Court’s Rulings
One might think that recent Supreme Court rulings restricting life without parole (LWOP) sentences for juveniles would provide a stronger spark for states to alter some of their sentencing practices. But, as is highlighted in a recent New York Times editorial, it appears that it will take more than a Supreme Court ruling to alter how...
Let’s Get Youth out of Adult Facilities
Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union just released an extensive report, Growing Up Locked Down – Youth in Solitary Confinement in Jails and Prisons across the United States, provides further evidence about the misfit of holding youth in adult facilities. While not all youth end up in solitary confinement while in an...
The US Senate takes up the call for Reform of the School to Prison Pipeline
The evidence is clear – frequent school suspensions place youth at greater risk of a host of “rotten outcomes”, not the least of which is involvement in the juvenile or criminal justice system. Noting that this is a nationwide problem, Senator Dick Durbin held a hearing last Wednesday of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the...
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