
Expanding BadgerCare is a Win-Win for Wisconsin

Too many Wisconsinites do not have access to quality, affordable health care. However, Wisconsin can significantly reduce that problem and save money at the same time by using available federal funding to make more low-income adults eligible for BadgerCare. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides funding for states to expand health...

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Q&A: Insurance Coverage for Pre-existing Conditions

This Q&A report explores the history of coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, the protections provided by the ACA, and the current threats to that coverage from policymakers and political leaders in Wisconsin and at the federal level.

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2018 KIDS COUNT® Data Book

According to the 2018 KIDS COUNT® Data Book, released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Wisconsin is ranked 12th overall in child well-being. Despite its relatively high ranking, Wisconsin could be doing a lot more to give every child in the state the opportunity to thrive. Child poverty remains stubbornly high in Wisconsin with nearly...

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Fact Sheet: Wisconsin Health Care Stability Plan

Following years of sabotage and hostility directed towards the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Governor Walker and the legislature pivoted to pass a $200 million reinsurance program, which is expected to slightly lower premiums for those relatively few people who earn too much to qualify for premium tax credits that help defray the costs of...

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The Contributions of Immigrants in Wisconsin are Critical to Shared Prosperity

Immigrants are an intrinsic part of our nation, our state, and our communities. Every day immigrants care for family members, go to school, advocate for positive changes, and connect with other residents in the farmlands, small towns, and cities of Wisconsin.  Their contributions help Wisconsin maintain strong, vibrant communities that...

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