Tax and Budget

The state budget and the taxes that help finance it have a huge impact on children and families. The budget provides most of the funding for vital government services, such as education, health care, transportation, child welfare and other safety net programs.

For more detailed analysis, visit the Wisconsin Budget Project website.

Is It Working for Families with an Unemployed Parent?

The national economy has been slow to emerge from the Great Recession, and Bureau of Labor Statistics data show that Wisconsin has had the slowest rebound in employment of any state during 2011 and 2012. Yet despite the ongoing need for assistance for those desperately seeking work, the last Wisconsin budget bill cut benefits that are...

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Is it Working for K-12 Students?

State Government is not Keeping Its Promises to our Public Schools Tom Beebe, Outreach CoordinatorOpportunity to Learn - Wisconsin In today’s global environment, students in Wisconsin are no longer competing just with those in nearby school districts or states, but rather with kids all over the world. That’s why it’s now more critical...

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Is It Working for Children in Working Class Families?

What do low-income families need to thrive economically? For starters, they need jobs, a way to get to those jobs, and health care that enables them to hold onto those jobs and be productive workers. They also need a tax code that helps families make the climb to the middle class.Unfortunately, actions by state policymakers have made it...

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Is it Working for Young Minds?

Quality early childhood education (ECE) is one of the most cost-effective and potent economic development tools available. The quality of early experiences has an enormous impact on the developing brain and mind. Investing in young children supports economic development by boosting the long-term productivity of the labor force and...

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Is it Working for Kids who Don’t Have Private Health Insurance?

Over the past year, the Wisconsin state government has made a number of decisions that reflect a significant directional shift in our approach to the well-being of children and families. We have seen our public investments in education, environmental protection, and a variety of social services shrink dramatically. Our tax structure has...

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