Tax and Budget

The state budget and the taxes that help finance it have a huge impact on children and families. The budget provides most of the funding for vital government services, such as education, health care, transportation, child welfare and other safety net programs.

For more detailed analysis, visit the Wisconsin Budget Project website.

Is it Working for Kids?

You Decide After Reading Our Upcoming Series of Posts Examining Recent Changes in WisconsinOver the past year, the Wisconsin state government has made a number of decisions that reflect a significant directional shift in our approach to the well-being of children and families. We have seen our public investments in education,...

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Is It Working for Kids?

During election season, candidates have a lot of opportunities talk about their priorities and the kinds of legislation
they intend to champion. Our job as voters is to make candidates talk about the issues that matter to us, so that we can
make informed decisions when we go to the polls. Unfortunately, children’s issues receive insufficient attention during
candidate interviews, debates, and other forums. That needs to change.

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Options for Closing the Shrinking Medicaid Deficit

Back in October 2011, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) estimated that the state was facing a shortfall in the budget for Medicaid and BadgerCare of about $550 million during the 2011-13 biennium: almost $220 million in state General Purpose Revenue (GPR) and $330 million of matching federal funds.

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Several Proposed Study Committees Would Tackle Children’s Issues

In the interim period between biennial sessions, the Legislative Council creates various special committees – comprised of legislators and public members – to study a broad range of issues and develop policy recommendations. This week the Legislative Council co-chairs released a list of the special committees that they proposed to...

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