This four-page document provides a summary of the major bills related to health and health care that were considered by the Wisconsin legislature during the 2011-12 session, which came to a close in March 2012. It includes links to bill text and history, and notes which bills were signed into law by the Governor
Tax and Budget
The state budget and the taxes that help finance it have a huge impact on children and families. The budget provides most of the funding for vital government services, such as education, health care, transportation, child welfare and other safety net programs.
For more detailed analysis, visit the Wisconsin Budget Project website.
Hunger Games, Wisconsin-Style
In the movie theaters, Katniss Everdeen is trapped in the Hunger Games, negotiating a love triangle and fighting against the Capitol. Closer to home, many Wisconsin residents are facing a different version of the Hunger Games, one that involves making choices between paying the rent and buying food for their families. If parts of the...
Joint Finance Committee Action on Changes to BadgerCare Waiver Proposal
As we discussed in a blog post yesterday, the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) met this afternoon to discuss and vote on the Department of Health Services’ (DHS) revisions to the BadgerCare waiver proposals approved by the committee in November. On a 12-4 party line vote, with Republicans in favor and Democrats against, the committee...
Revised DHS Plans for BadgerCare Apply Premiums to 17,000 More Adults
Kids Coverage Largely Protected in Plans before Finance Committee Wednesday The Joint Finance Committee (JFC) is meeting on March 14 to consider revisions to the proposed changes to BadgerCare that it approved in November. As we noted yesterday, the Legislative Fiscal Bureau (LFB) has prepared a thorough analysis of the changes the...
Senate Committee Endorses Constitutional Limits on State and Local Revenue and Spending
SJR 48 Would Also Allow Local Governments to Exempt Themselves from MandatesThere are too many constitutional amendments under consideration in the state capitol now to keep up with all of them, but we’re trying as best we can. One of them, Senate Joint Resolution 48, was endorsed by a Senate Committee today. It would build into the...
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