Tax and Budget

The state budget and the taxes that help finance it have a huge impact on children and families. The budget provides most of the funding for vital government services, such as education, health care, transportation, child welfare and other safety net programs.

For more detailed analysis, visit the Wisconsin Budget Project website.

Assembly Advances a Constitutional Constraint on Budget Practices

AJR 100 Would Make Wisconsin the Only State to Constitutionally Require GAAP AccountingTonight the Assembly voted by a sizeable margin, 69-25, to approve AJR 100, which would put key details of fiscal policy into the Wisconsin Constitution.  An amended version of the resolution now moves on to the Senate.  If it is approved there, AJR...

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The Case against Using Mortgage Settlement Funds to Reduce the State Deficit

Journal Sentinel and NY Times Editorials Argue against Diverting the Settlement FundingBoth the New York Times and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorialized over the weekend against the use of the new mortgage settlement dollars to help close state deficits. As the Journal Sentinel wrote: “With so many families in Milwaukee - and...

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The Budget Bill’s Hidden Tax Hike for Struggling Wisconsinites

Low-wage Workers and Seniors Will Pay Millions More in Property Tax The 2012 poverty level was announced late last week, and the new income level for a family right at the federal poverty level (FPL) is now about 3 percent higher than it was in 2011, which reflects an increase in the cost of living. The change in the poverty level...

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Proposed Bill Would Deny Child Tax Credit to Immigrant Families and Children

As tax time is approaching, and the next round of negotiations regarding the payroll tax cuts are gearing up, a bill to deny the Child Tax Credit for those filing with an individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) is also moving in Congress. The bill, titled Refundable Child Tax Credit Eligibility Verification Reform Act, would...

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