Tax and Budget

The state budget and the taxes that help finance it have a huge impact on children and families. The budget provides most of the funding for vital government services, such as education, health care, transportation, child welfare and other safety net programs.

For more detailed analysis, visit the Wisconsin Budget Project website.

Will Congress Act This Week to Save Thousands of Jobs?

If you get the Sunday New York Times or read it online, you may have seen this September 26 headline: “Job Loss Looms as Part of Stimulus Act Expires.”  The article concerns a portion of the Recovery Act funding that has been used to help low income families in a variety of ways, including providing funding to initiate or expand...

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New Poverty Numbers from the Census Bureau

Today the U.S. Census Bureau updated its Current Population Survey (CPS) dataset with new information on poverty, income, and health insurance. As was widely expected, there’s been a large jump in the number of Americans living in poverty. The Wisconsin Council on Children and Families has done some rapid-response number crunching since...

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Senate Vote Tuesday on First Effort to Undermine Health Care Reform

The federal health care reform law contains a variety of different measures to raise funding to offset the costs of expanding access to health care. One of those measures, which is now under attack, is expected to increase tax revenue by $17.1 billion over the next ten years by improving the ability of the IRS to keep track of business...

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New Section of Wisconsin Budget Project Website Devoted to Stimulus

The Wisconsin Budget Project website has a brand-new page devoted solely to Recovery Act issues. The information on this new page ranges from two-paragraph blog posts to in-depth papers. Whether you’re looking for updates about direct benefits in Wisconsin or details about additional FMAP dollars flowing to the state, this is a good...

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Wisconsin Budget Project Releases New Analysis of Education Spending & Staffing

A new analysis by the Wisconsin Budget Project finds that Wisconsin is no longer much ahead of the curve on school spending and staffing. Once a national leader in educational innovation and performance, Wisconsin’s investment in K-12 education has slipped significantly relative to other states over the past decade, and it now ranks...

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