The Wisconsin Budget Project has a blog post with a checklist of questions we should ask ourselves before we move to privatize government functions. Here's an excerpt from the post:Governor Walker has proposed a number of initiatives to privatize government functions or to make it easier to do so. One of those proposals, privatization...
Increasing Taxes on the Working Poor
The Wisconsin Budget Project has this to say about the prospect of increasing taxes on the working poor: The Joint Finance Committee (JFC) voted Tuesday evening for a package of state policy changes that cut taxes for multistate corporations and the wealthy, while raising taxes on working poor families with two or more...
Budget Repair Bill Gives Unions Disincentive to Make Concessions
The Wisconsin Budget Project has a new blog post describing how the budget adjustment bill provides a disincentive -- at least in the short term -- for public employee unions willing to make concessions.Here's an excerpt:"A number of local public employee unions have indicated their willingness to re-open their contracts to make...
What’s WCCF Up To?
We have recently added some ways you can keep abreast of the work WCCF is doing on issues related to health care, early care and education, juvenile justice, child welfare, and other topics. Here are some possibilities:Subscribe to the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families blog to get updates via email or feed reader;“Like” WCCF on...
Increasing kids’ access to guns; still a bad idea
New attempts to allow hidden loaded guns in Wisconsin communities will increase the exposure of children to handguns by permitting concealed weapons to be carried into many places where children play and learn, including day care centers, churches, little league games and the many private, non-profit organizations that provide direct...
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