WisKids Count

WisKids Count tracks, analyzes, synthesizes, and communicates data about the health and well-being of children and families in Wisconsin. WisKids Count is a part of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Kids Count project which seeks to enrich local, state and national discussions concerning ways to secure better futures for all children.

The Kids Count Data Center provides access to a wide range on data on indicators of child well-being in Wisconsin. Using the tools in the Data Center, you can easily create a profile of your county or school district. For more information on how to use the Kids Count Data Center, see our instructional presentation.

Indigenous People’s Day: Wisconsin’s Native Communities Deserve To Be Heard, To Be Respected, and To Thrive.

Today, across the United States, cities, states, and Native nations are celebrating Indigenous People’s Day. However, here in Wisconsin, despite attempts by Native American communities, including youth, to advocate the Wisconsin legislature to recognize Indigenous People’s Day, state leaders continue to choose to ignore its 12 Native nations in favor of honoring a man who desecrated an entire people.

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Five Charts that Tell the Story of Poverty in Wisconsin

New figures released last week by the Census Bureau show that an unacceptable number of Wisconsinites, including children, are living in poverty. Here are five charts drawn from the data that describe the number of Wisconsin residents who have incomes too low to meet basic needs.

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Wisconsin’s Tradition of Welcoming Refugees Under Attack

Wisconsin has a long history of welcoming people from around the globe who are fleeing war or persecution, a tradition that is put at risk by actions taken by President Trump’s administration to severely limit the number of refugees the country will accept.

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2018 KIDS COUNT® Data Book

According to the 2018 KIDS COUNT® Data Book, released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Wisconsin is ranked 12th overall in child well-being. Despite its relatively high ranking, Wisconsin could be doing a lot more to give every child in the state the opportunity to thrive. Child poverty remains stubbornly high in Wisconsin with nearly...

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