WisKids Count

WisKids Count tracks, analyzes, synthesizes, and communicates data about the health and well-being of children and families in Wisconsin. WisKids Count is a part of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Kids Count project which seeks to enrich local, state and national discussions concerning ways to secure better futures for all children.

The Kids Count Data Center provides access to a wide range on data on indicators of child well-being in Wisconsin. Using the tools in the Data Center, you can easily create a profile of your county or school district. For more information on how to use the Kids Count Data Center, see our instructional presentation.

The 2014 State of the State for Wisconsin’s Children and Families

Last night Governor Walker gave his State of the State address. The Governor used his address to talk about his vision of where Wisconsin stands economically, outline his priorities for the last part of his term, and push the need for additional tax cuts. The State of the State doesn’t focus on children, but we think the Governor’s...

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Improving School Climates and Reducing Disparities

On Wednesday, Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder released Guiding Principles to help guide schools to improve school climate and discipline.  Addressing concerns about the extensive use of suspensions, expulsions, and other exclusionary practices that in the end hurt achievement - particularly youth of...

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Ending Poverty Matters for Wisconsin’s Future

We reported earlier in the year the results from the Annie E. Casey KIDS COUNT annual review of the well-being of children that Wisconsin, although having a lower child poverty rate than the national average, was slipping in comparison to other states. A more recent release from the "Half in 10" campaign has Wisconsin ranking 18th, not...

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Why We Need the Affordable Care Act — in One Graph

Employer-sponsored Insurance Drops by 472,000 in Wisconsin since 2000-01.  Okay, there are scads of reasons why we need the reforms in the Affordable Care Act (ACA), including many reforms that are already in place and having very positive impacts.  So one graph doesn't actually do the – which is a conclusion that was reinforced when I...

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Recovery from Recession Going Slowly, Shows New County-Level Analysis from WCCF

Many residents of Wisconsin have yet to fully rebound from the impact of the recession that began five years ago, according to a new county-level analysis released today by the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families. A typical Wisconsin household earned less money in 2012 than it did before the recession, according to the analysis....

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