Child Care Rating System and Other Items on Tuesday Finance Committee Agenda

by Kids Forward | December 12, 2010

Home 9 Early Care and Education 9 Child Care Rating System and Other Items on Tuesday Finance Committee Agenda ( Page 9 )

The Joint Finance Committee meets on Tuesday, December 14, and will vote on whether to approve the Department of Children and Families’ five-year sustainability plan for the child care quality rating and improvement system (QRIS) called YoungStar. Click here for the summary of the request by the Legislative Fiscal Bureau.

The meeting is supposed to begin at 10:00 a.m. in Room 412 East in the Capitol.  Click here for the full agenda and links to the LFB summaries of each item on the agenda.

Some of the other interesting things on the agenda include the following:
  • A Public Service Commission proposal to increase the amount that utility companies pay for energy efficiency and renewable resource programs. (Click here for the LFB memo.)
  • A DHS proposal relating to how much of the $38 million of federal income augmentation funds will use be used or spending or to lapse to the General Fund. (Here’s the LFB summary.)

The agenda also has a number of othr significant issues, including the expansion of Family Care to Langlade and Lincoln counties, the release of funding for the Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Examinations, and a request by the Public Defender’s Office for additional funding for Private Bar Reimbursement.

A recent WI Budget Project blog post lists all of the 16 legislators who will serve on the Joint Finance Committee next year.

Jon Peacock 

Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


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