Clinton Proposes Investments in Child Care and Home Visiting

by Kids Forward | May 12, 2016

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Hillary Clinton is proposing an agenda focusing on child care and home visiting. The Huffington Post published a May 10 article titled: Clinton To Lay Out Agenda For Making Child Care Better — And More Affordable

Clinton is putting forth her policy agenda for young children and their families, including two key pieces:

  1. Child Care: Hillary Clinton says she is putting out an agenda today that “promises to put high-quality child care within financial reach of all working parents”. Clinton would also seek to boost pay for child-care workers, as a way to improve retention and attract educators with stronger qualifications.
  2. Home Visiting: According to the article, if Clinton has her way, the program, known as the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Initiative, would reach twice as many children as it does today.


opportunity gap

Has Clinton been reading the Governor’s Early Childhood Advisory Council’s recommendations?

In March, the ECAC recommended smart investments, including:

  • To double the number of children in high-quality child care (4-Star and 5-Star under YoungStar), and
  • To double the number of families with young children served in evidence-based home visiting programs.

Stay tuned.
Dave Edie

Early Education Policy Analyst

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