Treatment courts, case processing reforms, and the use of evidence-based practices deliver benefits that far outweigh those of the too common “tough on crime” strategies that draw attention in the media.
Jim Moeser
Treatment courts, case processing reforms, and the use of evidence-based practices deliver benefits that far outweigh those of the too common “tough on crime” strategies that draw attention in the media.
Jim Moeser
Every child deserves a solid foundation in life, regardless of income. Affordable and accessible early care and education ensures that parents can get to work and sets children up for a strong start. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted how child care is critical for children and families and why early care and education providers are an essential part of our local communities and a thriving economy.
On May Day: A Day without Latinx and Immigrants, Wisconsin lawmakers can lift up every family by restoring driver licenses for all. This would help keep families together, increase economic opportunities for working families, ensure safer roads, and boost state revenue.
This Tax Day, as many Wisconsin families struggle to make ends meet, the wealthiest Wisconsinites are allowed to pay a smaller share of their income to taxes than low and middle income families.
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