Confirmation of the Benefits of Being Smart on Crime

by Kids Forward | December 29, 2011

Home 9 Youth Justice 9 Confirmation of the Benefits of Being Smart on Crime ( Page 9 )
The Office of Justice Assistance just released an evaluation on the costs and benefits of implementing Treatment Alternatives and Diversion(TAD) programs in seven Wisconsin counties.  The evaluation is consistent with what we have seen well-researched in the juvenile system by showing that focused, strategic, and smart community-based alternatives to incarcerating many offenders not only lowers the likelihood of reoffending but is also cost-effective – in this case showing that for every $1 invested there is a net benefit of nearly $2 to the community in the long run.

Treatment courts, case processing reforms, and the use of evidence-based practices deliver benefits that far outweigh those of the too common “tough on crime” strategies that draw attention in the media.

Jim Moeser

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