Voting and Advocacy Tips

Elect Candidates for Kids


Easy Ways You Can Raise Your Voice for Kids After the Election

  1. Make sure you’ve signed up for WCCF’s action alerts and email lists to stay updated as bills or state budget items progress through the legislature. Also “Like” your elected officials on Facebook and “follow” them on Twitter.
  2. Hold your elected officials accountable by urging them to support children’s issues. Speak from the heart and share your story with them.
  3. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper – be concise, tell a personal story. Try to stay under 250 words. Legislative staff read daily and weekly papers regularly.
  4. Join a campaign, recruit friends and co-workers, or connect with a statewide group that works on your issue. It only takes TEN (10!) constituents calling or emailing on the same issue for a state legislator to pay attention.

Find out who represents you on the State Legislature website, or call 1-800-362-9472.