Explore How Children in Wisconsin are doing Compared to Children in Other States

by Kids Forward | July 26, 2012

Home 9 WisKids Count 9 Explore How Children in Wisconsin are doing Compared to Children in Other States

Children in Wisconsin are better off than children in 35 other states, according to the new Kids Count Index released yesterday by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. That’s the good news.

The bad news is that Wisconsin is losing ground to other states in many areas of child-well being. For example, Wisconsin’s child poverty rate increased twice as fast as the national average in recent years, and the percentage of children living in high-poverty neighborhoods increase three times as fast as the national average.

This interactive chart lets you explore how Wisconsin compares to other states in measures of child well-being, and how our ranking has changed over time. (If you are getting this message by email, you will have to go to our blog to see the chart.)

<a href=”#”><img alt=”Dashboard 1 ” src=”http://public.tableausoftware.com/static/images/Ki/KidsCountdatabook/Dashboard1/1_rss.png” style=”border: none” /></a>

For more information about the Kids Count Data Book, the Kids Count Index, and individual indicators of child well-being, go to the Kids Count Data Center. 
Tamarine Cornelius 

Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


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