Children and families won a big victory when the Congress voted for a two-year extension of home visiting programs. The home visiting program, officially known as the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Visiting (MIECHV Program), supports voluntary, evidence-based, home visiting services for families with young children. Current annual funding will continue at $400 million, according to an announcement by ZERO TO THREE.
The funding will help Wisconsin to sustain efforts to build strong, evidence-based home visiting programs in key high risk communities. For more information about Wisconsin’s program, go to: Home Visiting Needs Assessment.
Dave Edie
New Report: Medicaid Vital to Health & Wellness of Wisconsin’s Rural Communities
Contact: Emily Miota, 262-853-6863, About One in Three Rural Wisconsin Children Count on Medicaid for Health Care Coverage A new report shows just how much Wisconsin families rely on Medicaid/BadgerCare in both rural and urban communities....