Finance Committee to Begin Budget Decisions on Tuesday

by Kids Forward | April 20, 2011

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The Joint Finance Committee will hold an executive session on Tuesday, Apr. 26, to begin voting on various parts of the biennial buget bill.  You can find a full list of the topics to be considered and the links to those papers on this part of the LFB website

Read on for a partial list, which focuses on the topics that are more relevant to kids and families, and which includes a link to each of those Legislative Fiscal Bureau papers.Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board
  # 194 — Eliminate Long-Term Vacancies

Children and Families — Child Support
  # 225 — Child Support State Operations
  # 226 — Funding for Local Child Support Enforcement Activities

Health Services — Care Facilities
  # 375 — Mental Health Institutes Funding Split
  # 376 — Transfer SVPs From WRC to SRSTC and Close WRC Units
  # 377 — Contracted Services for Mental Health Clients

  # 400 — Lapse of Surplus Fee Revenues
  # 401 — Medigap Helpline Modification
  # 402 — Close Enrollment in the State Life Insurance Fund

As the committee makes decisions in areas that we included (or should have included) in the WI Budget Project’s Comparative Analysis of the 2011-13 Budget, we’ll update that document. 

Jon Peacock

Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


Rich Get Richer under Proposed Tax Plan

Rich Get Richer under Proposed Tax Plan

From Racine to Rhinelander, everyone in Wisconsin deserves the freedom to make a good living and care for our families. However, the tax plan proposed by Republican legislative leadership would further rig the rules in favor of the wealthiest and make Wisconsin’s glaring racial disparities even worse. The four proposals leave everyday families even further behind because none of these tax proposals effectively target families who are struggling to make ends meet.

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