Four-Year-Old Kindergarten Winning in Wisconsin!

by Kids Forward | April 19, 2018

Home 9 Early Care and Education 9 Four-Year-Old Kindergarten Winning in Wisconsin! ( Page 11 )

By Dave Edie, Early Care and Education Policy Analyst

Wisconsin continues to be near the top among states in providing four-year-old kindergarten (4K), ranking 5th in the nation, according to a 2017 report by the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER).

The report for Wisconsin, NIEER Analysis of Wisconsin’s PreK Program, shows that 72% of 4-year-olds (51,973 children) were enrolled in public school 4K programs. In addition, 8% were enrolled in Head Start (including 3 and 4-year-olds), and 96% of school districts provide free, voluntary education for 4-year-olds

The report showed a drop of state investment per 4K child from 2002 to 2017. Investments declined from $5,458 per child to $3,769 per child, a decline of 31%. This may be due to cuts in state public school funding during that time.

The quality rating of Wisconsin’s 4K was 3 out of 10 benchmarks. It’s difficult to evaluate Wisconsin’s 4K quality because a state must meet the benchmarks statewide, and Wisconsin has a strong history of local control and vary in their quality standards.

We’re happy that Wisconsin continues to be a leader in 4K. However, there is plenty of room of improvement—some states are moving toward full-day 4K and increased 3K while most of Wisconsin’s 4K is part-time, and 3K is rare. Let’s keep advocating and working to provide Wisconsin’s youngest population with the best early care and education possible.


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