Governor Walker: Our Dairy Industry Can’t Thrive Without Justice for Immigrants

by Kids Forward | October 10, 2018

Home 9 Equitable Communities 9 Governor Walker: Our Dairy Industry Can’t Thrive Without Justice for Immigrants

Last week, Wisconsin welcomed the World Dairy Expo in the wake of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) presence and raids bringing fear, trauma, and despair to our communities. Wisconsin has been home to the largest and most important dairy cattle show in North America for the last 50 years—but as we celebrate Wisconsin’s beloved milk and cheese, it is important to acknowledge the critical role immigrants play in the Wisconsin dairy industry and their right to dignity, respect, and justice.

Just three months ago, Governor Walker announced a Dairy Task Force 2.0 in order to develop “recommendations on actions needed to maintain a viable and profitable dairy industry in our state.” Kids Forward strongly urges that this task force work to better understand and prioritize the issues of immigration as it relates to Wisconsin’s dairy industry.

According to a report by the National Milk Producers Federation, more than half of U.S. Dairy workers are immigrants and “immigrant labor [produces] 79% of the nation’s milk.” Although immigrants make up such a large portion of the dairy industry, based on current immigration law, dairy farm workers are ineligible for work visas. The H-2A visa program, which allows U.S. employers to bring foreign nationals to the United States to fill agricultural jobs, only allows for workers to fill positions on a temporary basis.[1] This is an important distinction as dairy workers generally hold year-round positions, making it effectively impossible for them to hold a valid work visa for the entire period of their employment. Thus, many of Wisconsin’s vital dairy farm workers are vulnerable to the current attacks on undocumented immigrants supported by Governor Walker.

Several Wisconsin dairy farmers have spoken out over the past year about the need for better immigration laws, often sharing personal accounts of the impact immigrant workers have on Wisconsin’s dairy industry. In addition to farm owner support, in 2016, the Dairy Business Association visited members of Congress in Washington D.C. to demand immigration reform. However, as Governor Walker prioritizes the dairy industry, he simultaneously fails to acknowledge President Trump’s harmful anti-immigrant policies and actions. Governor Walker publically opposes amnesty, sent Wisconsin National Guard troops to the border to support President Trump’s zero-tolerance policy against the recommendation of thirty of Wisconsin’s legislators, and remained silent as ICE agents ignored pre-established protocols with local law enforcement and terrorized Wisconsin communities.

The National Milk Producers Federation has reported that “a complete loss of immigrant labor would be expected to cause 1 in 8 dairy farms to go under, decrease milk production by 23%, and increase retail milk prices by 90%. A loss of half of immigrant labor would be expected to cause 1 in 16 dairy farms to fail, decrease milk production by 12%, and increase milk prices by 45%.”

These statistics demonstrate the critical need for immigration to be at the forefront of any discussions regarding Wisconsin’s dairy industry. However, the current makeup of Governor Walker’s Dairy Task Force does not include any farmers that have spoken out on immigration issues nor does it include any allied organizations that represent the best interest or the rights of immigrant farm workers. This, paired with Governor Walker’s continued silence on matters of immigration, shows a blatant disregard for the dignity, respect, and justice for the workers, owners, and communities that support America’s Dairyland. If Governor Walker wants to “maintain a viable and profitable dairy industry,” he should expand the membership of the Dairy Task Force 2.0 to include representation from immigrant groups and integrate a critical analysis of immigration policy as a significant component of the task force’s work moving forward.

In order for every kid, every family, and every community in Wisconsin to thrive, it’s absolutely vital that Wisconsin and its leaders do a better job acknowledging, respecting, and working to secure justice for immigrants in our state.

Stephanie Muñoz



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