Green Bay and Waukesha among “100 Best Communities for Young People”

by Kids Forward | September 27, 2010

Home 9 Early Care and Education 9 Green Bay and Waukesha among “100 Best Communities for Young People” ( Page 2 )

Two Wisconsin communities, Waukesha and the Greater Green Bay Area were honored last week as being among the best communities in the U.S. for young people in 2010. The “100 Best Communities for Young People” is a list prepared annually by America’s Promise Alliance and ING for extraordinary community-wide efforts to improve the well-being of youth and end the nation’s dropout crisis. “The 100 Best Communities for Young People are taking bold and effective steps to help their youth graduate and lead healthy, productive lives,” said Alma J. Powell, Chair, America’s Promise Alliance.  “Each community has proven that they are developing programs and implementing initiatives to provide young people with the essential resources they need to graduate from high school and succeed in college and a 21st century career.”

Click here to read about the award-winning efforts in the Greater Green Bay Area and Waukesha. Both communities have won the award for three straight years.  Other Wisconsin winners in the last couple of years include Crawford County, Jefferson County, and Appleton Fox Cities.

Jon Peacock,
research director

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