Help Families Get the Credit They Deserve (in English, Spanish or Hmong)

by Kids Forward | January 6, 2012

Home 9 Family Economic Security 9 Help Families Get the Credit They Deserve (in English, Spanish or Hmong) ( Page 11 )

Each year WCCF updates a one-page brochure that helps educate people about the major refundable tax credits for low-income families — the federal and state Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC), the state Homestead Tax Credit, and the federal child tax credit.  Please help us get the flyer into the hands of low-income families who could benefit — many of whom are unaware that they are eligible for one or more of those credits.

You can find the updated version of the tax year 2011 flyer on the WI Budget Poject website.  In addition to the English version, you can also get the flyer in Spanish and Hmong

Jon Peacock

Join us to build a Wisconsin where every child and family thrives.


Explained: End Juvenile Life Without Parole in Wisconsin

Explained: End Juvenile Life Without Parole in Wisconsin

Wisconsin relies far too much on incarceration and blames children for system-wide failures. Instead of incarceration, a better investment for Wisconsin’s youth is in basic needs such as health, housing, and employment.  Wisconsin should reimagine a community-based continuum of care grounded in youth voice, emerging adult research, and cross-system collaboration. 

Testimony: End Juvenile Life Without Parole in Wisconsin

Testimony: End Juvenile Life Without Parole in Wisconsin

Kids Forward supports SB801/AB845, which would eliminate juvenile life without parole. This critical advancement towards a more developmentally appropriate juvenile justice system will reduce and repair harm, decrease racial disparities, increase child and family wellbeing, and increase opportunities for community-based alternatives to incarceration. 

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