Historic Health Care Reforms Start Today

Home 9 Health Care 9 Historic Health Care Reforms Start Today

A number of very significant health insurance protections for families and children take effect today, on the six-month anniversary of the health care reform act. That law, known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), includes the following reforms, which will curb some of the worst excesses of the insurance industry:

  • Children who are sick can no longer be denied coverage.
  • Parents can keep their children who are in college or trying to find employment in a difficult economy on the family health insurance plans through age 26.
  • New insurance plans must provide free preventive care, so insurance is less about fixing problems and more about keeping kids and families healthy.
  • Insurance plans may no longer cap dollar benefits that an individual or family can receive through their health plan over a lifetime (and annual limits will gradually be removed between now and 2014).

“The passage of federal health care reform earlier this year is starting to pay off for Wisconsin families who struggle without enough health insurance or who worry about coverage for loved ones,” said Ken Taylor, executive director of the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families. “The provisions taking effect today mean more security for young people who are sick, have a chronic condition, or are just starting their careers but don’t yet have insurance.”

A new report, Making Insurance Work for Children and Families, was recently prepared by the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University. It provides more explanation of the new private insurance market reforms and how advocates can help ensure the effectiveness of those reforms in their states.

The changes that take effect today are precursors of the broader health care reform measures that will generally take effect in 2014 and will offer new coverage pathways to an estimated 32 million individuals nationwide.

Most of the new private market reforms apply to new insurance policies and existing policies as they come up for renewal. Although some families won’t see these benefits right away, thousands of uninsured Wisconsin children don’t need to wait another day, because they’re already eligible for BadgerCare Plus. For more information, see the state’s BadgerCare Plus website

Jon Peacock,

WCCF research director

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