Home Visiting and Child Health Care are in Trouble

by Daithi Wolfe | October 5, 2017

Home 9 Early Care and Education 9 Home Visiting and Child Health Care are in Trouble ( Page 19 )

BAD NEWS! Congress let funding expire for two crucial federal resources for America’s young children, the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting program (MIECHV) and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This is terrible news for Wisconsin’s children and their familiesMany of you have been involved in helping these programs grow:

  1. The Governor and the Legislature agreed to a $3.9 million increase, bringing the budget to $14.4 million, showing strong bipartisan support. But without action it looks like we will lose $8.7 million in federal funds, decimating Wisconsin home visiting programs. Wisconsin advocates, including the Early Learning Coalition and the Governor’s Early Childhood Advisory Committee, recommended expansion of home visiting.
  2. CHIP also has strong bipartisan support and has played a strong role in increasing the number of children with health insurance in Wisconsin. Cutting CHIP funding would have serious consequences.

Advocacy is needed to turn around the decision. My conversations with several of our legislative offices in Washington show there is an effort to fix the problem. Just call here to talk to legislative aides and express your opinions. It’s easy.


Dave Edie

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